- 325414 - Biological Product (Except Diagnostic) Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 32551 - Paint And Coating Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 32591 - Printing Ink Manufacturing (5 Companies)
- 325998 - All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product And Preparation Manufacturing (9 Companies)
- 326113 - Unlaminated Plastics Film And Sheet (Except Packaging) Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 32613 - Laminated Plastics Plate, Sheet (Except Packaging), And Shape Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 326192 - Resilient Floor Covering Manufacturing (3 Companies)
- 326199 - All Other Plastics Product Manufacturing (25 Companies)
- 326212 - Tire Retreading (2 Companies)
- 327112 - Vitreous China, Fine Earthenware, And Other Pottery Product Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 327122 - Ceramic Wall And Floor Tile Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 327124 - Clay Refractory Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 327211 - Flat Glass Manufacturing (10 Companies)
- 327212 - Other Pressed And Blown Glass And Glassware Manufacturing (3 Companies)
- 327213 - Glass Container Manufacturing (3 Companies)
- 327331 - Concrete Block And Brick Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 32739 - Other Concrete Product Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 32742 - Gypsum Product Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 331111 - Iron And Steel Mills (3 Companies)
- 331221 - Rolled Steel Shape Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 331222 - Steel Wire Drawing (1 Company)
- 331419 - Primary Smelting And Refining Of Nonferrous Metal (Except Copper And Aluminum) (1 Company)
- 331491 - Nonferrous Metal (Except Copper And Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing, And Extruding (1 Company)
- 331525 - Copper Foundries (Except Die Casting) (3 Companies)
- 332116 - Metal Stamping (9 Companies)
- 332211 - Cutlery And Flatware (Except Precious) Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 332212 - Hand And Edge Tool Manufacturing (6 Companies)
- 332311 - Prefabricated Metal Building And Component Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 332312 - Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 332322 - Sheet Metal Work Manufacturing (21 Companies)
- 332323 - Ornamental And Architectural Metal Work Manufacturing (4 Companies)
- 33242 - Metal Tank (Heavy Gauge) Manufacturing (3 Companies)
- 332439 - Other Metal Container Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 33251 - Hardware Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 332618 - Other Fabricated Wire Product Manufacturing (5 Companies)
- 33271 - Machine Shops (12 Companies)
- 332812 - Metal Coating, Engraving (Except Jewelry And Silverware), And Allied Services To Manufacturers (10 Companies)
- 332813 - Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, And Coloring (12 Companies)
- 332911 - Industrial Valve Manufacturing (4 Companies)
- 332913 - Plumbing Fixture Fitting And Trim Manufacturing (17 Companies)
- 332997 - Industrial Pattern Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 332999 - All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing (6 Companies)
- 333111 - Farm Machinery And Equipment Manufacturing (4 Companies)
- 33321 - Sawmill And Woodworking Machinery Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 333292 - Textile Machinery Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 333294 - Food Product Machinery Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 333298 - All Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing (5 Companies)
- 333313 - Office Machinery Manufacturing (14 Companies)
- 333319 - Other Commercial And Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing (5 Companies)
- 333414 - Heating Equipment (Except Warm Air Furnaces) Manufacturing (5 Companies)
- 333415 - Manufacture Of Air Conditioning, Warm Air Heating, Commercial And Industrial Refrigeration Equipment (2 Companies)
- 333514 - Special Die And Tool, Die Set, Jig, And Fixture Manufacturing (7 Companies)
- 333515 - Cutting Tool And Machine Tool Accessory Manufacturing (5 Companies)
- 333611 - Turbine And Turbine Generator Set Units Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 333618 - Other Engine Equipment Manufacturing (3 Companies)
- 333911 - Pump And Pumping Equipment Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 333993 - Packaging Machinery Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 333994 - Industrial Process Furnace And Oven Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 333997 - Scale And Balance (Except Laboratory) Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 333999 - All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing (4 Companies)
- 334111 - Electronic Computer Manufacturing (3 Companies)
- 33421 - Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 33422 - Radio And Television Broadcasting And Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing (6 Companies)
- 33431 - Audio And Video Equipment Manufacturing (3 Companies)
- 334511 - Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, Nautical System And Instrument Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 334513 - Instrument And Product Manufacture For Measure, Display, And Control Of Industrial Process Variables (4 Companies)
- 334515 - Instrument Manufacturing For Measuring And Testing Electricity And Electrical Signals (1 Company)
- 334518 - Watch, Clock, And Part Manufacturing (5 Companies)
- 334519 - Other Measuring And Controlling Device Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 334612 - Prerecorded Compact Disc (Except Software), Tape, And Record Reproducing (6 Companies)
- 334613 - Magnetic And Optical Recording Media Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 33511 - Electric Lamp Bulb And Part Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 335121 - Residential Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing (4 Companies)
- 335129 - Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing (4 Companies)
- 335212 - Household Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 335221 - Household Cooking Appliance Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 335222 - Household Refrigerator And Home Freezer Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 335312 - Motor And Generator Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 335314 - Relay And Industrial Control Manufacturing (3 Companies)
- 335911 - Storage Battery Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 335932 - Noncurrent Carrying Wiring Device Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 335999 - All Other Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment And Component Manufacturing (34 Companies)
- 336111 - Automobile Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 336211 - Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing (7 Companies)
- 336214 - Travel Trailer And Camper Manufacturing (8 Companies)
- 336311 - Carburetor, Piston, Piston Ring, And Valve Manufacturing (8 Companies)
- 336321 - Vehicular Lighting Equipment Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 336399 - All Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing (20 Companies)
- 336411 - Aircraft Manufacturing (4 Companies)
- 336414 - Guided Missile And Space Vehicle Manufacturing (3 Companies)
- 336415 - Guided Missile And Space Vehicle Propulsion Unit And Propulsion Unit Parts Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 33651 - Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 336612 - Boat Building (1 Company)
- 33712 - Household And Institutional Furniture Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 337122 - Nonupholstered Wood Household Furniture Manufacturing (6 Companies)
- 337127 - Institutional Furniture Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 337211 - Wood Office Furniture Manufacturing (2 Companies)
- 33791 - Mattress Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 339112 - Surgical And Medical Instrument Manufacturing (1 Company)
- 339113 - Surgical Appliance And Supplies Manufacturing (12 Companies)